Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Small Town Patriotism

This is one of the million things I love about living in a small town. I bring the truck in to get some work done at 8a.m. (this could take all day) and the boys from the American Legion already have the flags up, lining the streets. Okay, I give up. Columbus Day is passed, Veterans day is not here yet. What is the deal with October 27th? Maryruth arrives shortly to give us a ride back to the Homestead and says, "It's Navy Day". "Huh?" "Navy Day. The day the Navy was started. Flags." "Oh, yeah". Mystery solved.
I love that even during frustrating times, when many of us are disgusted with many things our government is doing, there are a few staunch veterans, patriots, who are dedicated to reminding us of what's good about this country. Thanks, guys.
Guineas are doing well, 8 survivors for over 2 weeks now, and counting. They are still inside, but only 1 heat lamp now. After some advice from other guinea raisers, we added some powdered milk and cooking oil to the lay mash feed, and they seem to enjoy that.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Guineas

Okay, so now I've got the pictures up, but editor won't let me put them where they belong. Thanks for your patience while I learn how to do this. The dog pics, of course, belong with the blurb about Eulalia.

But not the country...Mrs. D's friend ordered guinea chicks, but then needed a brooder, sooo - here they are. They arrived right before our first freeze of the year, so are having an especially hard time of it. The good news, half are still alive;)

Tragedy has struck again, Eulalia Burrito died Friday morning. We still don't know exactly what happened, one minute she was fine, next she was sick. Possible she picked up parvo virus or ate something poisonous. We'll never know.

In hopes that Maryruth will begin to contribute to this blog (hint, hint), she has been invited, here is what her day was like Friday: Get up for early morning walk; Shirley Doll (her pug) brings her scarf, shoes, and chew toy (Shirley's chew toy, not Maryruth's); head to door, Shirley runs headfirst into door three times before Maryruth gets there to open it (only pug owners can appreciate this). A new rescue pug will be joining Shirley Doll pug this week, We hope Maryruth will post pictures and updates. Okay Maryruth, the rest is up to you.

We had our first hard freeze of the season Saturday night, Mrs. D's garden is now officially done. Winter garden project is not yet started. Fall peas are still trying. But oohhh that nice, warm fire in the woodstove;) Having trouble posting pictures right now, my computer doesn't want to read the memory card. Hope to have some for next time.