Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tour of Canada

Last year for Social Studies we took a tour of the seven continents.  This year, we are touring ten different countries.  Our first was Canada.  My son filled out his "passport" and I "signed" it.  Next came the travel brochure.  In creating a travel brochure for each country he visits, he has to learn certain information about that country.  Basic information for the first week of study includes drawing a picture of the country's flag, locating it on the map, planning how to get there from here.  Plane? Train?  Automobile?  He decided we should fly into British Columbia, then walk and take the bus to tour the country from there.  Then there is the issue of weather, clothing to bring and what else to pack.  Luckily, we went in September, when the weather is supposed to still be fairly mild.  Will he need a rudimentary vocabulary in that country's language?  For Canada, we planned to learn a few words and phrases in French. 

The second week, a map of Canada is drawn in the travel brochure.  Major bodies of water are labeled, landmarks are drawn in, and the map is colored.  Information on government, climate, population, area and religions are located and noted in the Information Box.

Week three involves research about historical events in the country, as well as specifically Catholic information, such as saints or shrines.  He chose to learn a little about Jacques Cartier's explorations.

For our last week in each country, we get to explore.  We find out about native foods, holidays, native animals and plants, literature, art and music, and anything else of interest.  It all ends up with a pertinent activity and a picture for his passport.  Since hockey is a big sport in Canada, he dressed up in his full hockey gear for his picture.

To enrich our study of Canada, we also watched "Anne of Green Gables" again, discussed Prince Edward Island, and read "The Paper Bag Princess", by a Canadian author. 

This Social Studies curriculum is alot of fun, and I am very pleased that my son is learning about how people live in other parts of the world.  Next stop:  India.

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